December 3, 2023 at 5:45 am – 8:30 pm

Heritage Fire – Los Angeles
Presented by Cochon555, join Lloyd Cellars and Prescription Vineyards for Heritage Fire, a premiere, whole-animal, nationwide food and wine tour celebrating heritage breed livestock and heirloom produce. The daytime feast offers an endless array of sustainably sourced food from the region’s top family farms and local purveyors, prepared by some of the region’s best chefs. The Heritage Fire Tour comprises an array of live expressions and cultivates a long-term impact on heritage species. Both educational and inspirational messages are circulated among 10,000 guests, 250-plus chefs, 150-plus family farms, and numerous culinary schools each year. Everyone loves a little friendly competition, and at Heritage Fire guests will vote for Best Bite of the Day, and the winner will be crowned Heritage Hero.
Venue TBA
Get a 45-minute jump-start by purchasing VIP tickets to start grazing at 5:00 pm!